Owiie! Look how time flies so quickly! It’s already been a year since the first chapter of Clear Card Arc has been released. And still we don’t know what’s the deal with this transparent cards. Well, CLAMP, indeed, has the tendency to reveal all the important details at the end of the series. But I guess I’m more than okay with that as I certainly don’t want to bid goodbye to CSS Sakura and Syaoran yet, not this soon.

Anyway, recapping Chapter 12, we have Kaito featured in the full color cover. To think that he was just introduced in the last chapter, that really did surprise me. Well, even Akiho doesn’t have her solo cover for this arc yet, right? I won’t complain if it was him and Momo but yeah, it’s like confirming that the two were Akiho’s Yue x Kereberos/Ruby Moon x Spinel (though I don’t think anyone believe otherwise XD).

Continuing from Chapter 11 where I thought Sakura saw something much to her surprise, apparently, the correct word was felt. Sakura could touch the books in the shelf. They’re not missing, they just became invisible. She immediately figured things out and release the new star key to secure the Lucid. Of course, Tomoyo captured everything with her handy-dandy smartphone. This reminded Sakura of Kero who was left together with her phone in the living room. Sakura noted he must be disappointed as he missed this crucial time.

Alice in the Land of Clocks

Akiho came back to the library to show Sakura and Tomoyo her favorite book called Alice in the Land of Clocks. Come to think of it, Akiho kind of look like Alice. And with the teacup and teapot on his hand, Kaito plays the White Rabbit, I guess. The fact that Yukito also means snow rabbit isn’t a coincident, is it?

Akiho said the book is not associated to Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass but it’s really interesting. It got a clock on its cover. Indeed, seems like the same clock Sakura has been dreaming of together with the mystery figure. The book is written in an alien language. Yes, even Akiho herself said she doesn’t know what this gothic-ish language is. It’s just that she was thought how to read it so she can understand most of the content. Sakura then asked Akiho if she could just tell her what the story is about but before Akiho could say a thing, Kaito rang the phone inside the library (this house must be really big, huh) only to ask if they want some drinks. Hmmm…sounds fishy. Seems like Kaito doesn’t want Akiho to tell Sakura anything about the book.

At home, Touya was making fried rice for dinner. As usual, he teased Sakura a bit and her reaction made him conclude the time (whatever that is) has not yet come.

Sakura came upstairs to her room to change. Kero sleeps deeply in her bag. Sakura said when they returned to the living room after securing the card, Kero was already sleeping. I knew it! The fact that she mentioned Kero missing out all the action was kind of odd to me. Seems like Kero was intentionally put asleep…by Kaito? Well, that’s a plausible idea, indeed. Maybe there’s something or someone (Kaito himself?) in that house that cannot be seen by Kero or the plan will be ruined.

The teddy bear Syaoran then caught Sakura’s eyes. This reminded her of their date the next Sunday. Outside her window though, is the mystery figure standing in the pole who seems like will get in the way. Hey, you villain, leave them alone! Hahaha.

Fast forward to the most awaited date, Sakura, surprisingly early, was all dressed up. Kero was left in her room video chatting with Yue. I still find it kind of funny to see Yue being techie. Hahaha. Yue, seemed concerned, asked why Kero didn’t tag along. He said he brought the idea to Tomoyo but the girl was being considering enough even to miss out this perfect filming opportunity. Tomoyo also said that Li would be there if something happens. Kero then asked Yue to play with him as Suppi won’t reply to his calls. Yue ended the call in that instant. Hahaha, funny Yue.

Sakura met Syaoran at the bridge. Even though she wanted to be there before him, Syaoran won’t let her wait. Cute. Hahaha. They headed to a botanical garden. Sakura said she went there before when she was in grade school but she heard Syaoran has never been there yet. She took out the tickets she got from her dad. Syaoran asked if it’s okay to give it to him. Sakura said her dad wanted her to go with someone she’s close to. With that remark, the two got all red and started going inside, walking like a robot. Hahaha. I could still remember when they act like this whenever they see Yukito. Now, they’re like this when they’re together. Cute.

Comes lunch, Sakura took out the bento she made. Syaoran said it must have been a hassle. After confirming if it’s okay for him to eat (geez, why you always ask? It’s given, dude), Syaoran take a bite of the egg roll and said it was delicious. With the beautiful scenery they were in, Sakura thought it would be nice if this would last forever. Waaah, don’t you dare think of that, girl. Remember Yuko’s time was frozen when Clow Reed had the briefest thought of wanting her to remain alive. Though I wish a card similar to The Time was just about to reveal itself. On that note, a mysterious hurricane attacked Sakura and Syaoran.

As I was so eager to see Syaoran in action again, the very last page had the announcement that Clear Card Arc will take a break and the next chapter will be out on July. That’s partly the reason for this late recap as well. Hahaha. But seriously, that’s sad. Roughly one more month until we hear from Sakura and Syaoran again. 🙁 I hope CLAMP will make up with this by putting them in the next issue’s cover.

Would love to see Syaoran walking like this when he’s with Sakura in the upcoming anime. Hahaha.

Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 35

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