I heard the news that SM Entertainment (SME) will be producing a Korean version of Hana-Kimi under the title “Beautiful You”. This may start a new season of my addiction. I’m so excited and also expecting too much from this adaptation.
Spicing up the story…
I found out that they’re going to add unique twists to the original story. This time, in the Korean version, it will be the male protagonist who will pretend to be a girl to enter an all-girls school. I heard different reactions about this major change in the plot. Some say that SME cannot call it “Hana-Kimi” if they’re going to stick with this original plan. It’s already like producing another drama and can’t be called a version of HK.
In my opinion, no matter what, it is still Hana-Kimi, the drama that occupies a special space in my heart. Hana-Kimi, regardless of whatever version will remain forever in my heart. It will always be the best, nothing but the BEST!

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